Lynndie England Dominatrix

July 13, 2008

Just saw Errol Morris’ Standard Operating Procedure. Yes, yes the events at Abu Graib were terrible. Boo hoo. Most likely Psy Ops though, with orders coming from ‘above’. But a small handful of stooges make up the interview subjects of the Morris, a tad shallow, doco. I like Morris’ films and I can vibe on his arty reconstruction set pieces, ‘real’ photo montages and jump cut interview subjects.

But really no one has commented on Abu Ghraib from a sadomasochistic stand point. Some may find this distasteful to look as these photos from the perspective of a Sadean Libertine, which it probably is, but if so read another blog, bitch

First, things first. That Lynndie Engalnd would make one hell of a dominatrix! I’m not normally a sub with women, but God Damn she can lead me around on a leash anytime. There is something about her face that is hard, oddly shaped, yet alluring in its coldness. Her southern drawl conjures up all the magic of the Good Ol South. Her jowls are large and her eyes have a delightfully cruel streak.

People carry on about human rights abuses, blah, blah, blah. But they forget there are people in London and New York that will pay top dollar for the treatment given the Abu Ghraib prisoners. I doubt the sexually unsophisticated Iraqi’s were getting of on it, though some interestingly carried on wanking after the humiliation session was supposedly over? So we can only hope some lubricious Iraqi spunk was shed under Lynndie’s hard rule. Spent cum after all in a Sadean universe is the only real currency…

I was surprised to learn from the Morris doco that some of the tortured subjects were teen prison rapists, murderers and legitimate terrorists. The media left that part out. That surely softens the humiliation a little? I’m sure at least a couple of the bastards thoroughly deserved what they got. We are in Jack Bauer moral reality space these days. England and her posse of grunt Dom’s didn’t kill anyone, and they get World scorn poured on them and prison time for doing what was probably a psy ops exercise from upstairs, anyway. Why a Psy Ops job? To spread US hatred in the Middle East and prolong this so deliciously profitable War On Terror for pals of the Cheney/Bush administration. We must after all have an “Enemy”. And as a Jewish friend of mine joked, “Haven’t you heard Arabs are the new Jews”. What a card…

I’m not starting the Lynndie England fan club here, but she knows how to handle a man. A least when he’s a political prisoner, in an invaded country. Her own relationship with the smiling torture goon Charles Graner, was disastrous, apart from the erotic art they made together, granted. I’m sure Max Mosley would give her some work after he’s finished with his current Nazi Spanking Tape scandal in the UK courts.

I think an erotic publishing house should come with a (dis)tasteful coffee table book of select pictures from Abu Ghraib. Taschen, are you reading this?

Below, England and Graner’s Asshole sculpture. The Chapman brothers must be green with envy…

One Response to “Lynndie England Dominatrix”

  1. Greg Maxwell said

    I’m sorry, they’re fucking sand niggers. Who gives a flying fuck? Sad rejects from a dysfunctional shame culture with a sordid history of child abuse and treating women as possessions. They should have napalmed the pile of festering cunts. As for Lynddie England, poor dumb inbred white trash bitch that she is, she should have sold her story to the tabloids and done cheap bondage porn to cash in.
    There, I said it, and I’m glad I said it.

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