Sunny Austria: Land Of Incest

April 30, 2008

The Austrian Government is planning a tourist campaign to clean up Austria’s image, after that discovery of one of the creepiest news stories of the year. See here. Yes, that woeful tale of the father Josef Fritzl keeping his daughter Elisabeth prisoner in a dungeon for 20 years, and having children by her. Utterly grotesque. Following on from a similar sick tale here in Australia on 60 minutes, recently… without the coercion and dungeon part.

We at Idea Fix would like to suggest a few slogans for the Austrian Tourist Board, free of charge, our favorite is above.

Others include:

The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Incest

Oedipus Schmedipus: Come to Funny Austria

Amstetten on You!

Austria: Where families stick together

Austrians: We aren’t all a bunch of sick daughter raping perverts

Austria: We want to Anschluss You!

Ahh, I could go on all day…

8 Responses to “Sunny Austria: Land Of Incest”

  1. Rupert said

    Yes, we have Tasmania, where we managed to spread out 20yrs across 200, a good job in in distribution.

    😉 Rups

  2. Great blog, Richard. I thought they’d already had a cleanse-up after the little debacle last century.

  3. richard777 said

    Hey Rupert,

    What does your comment about Tasmania mean?



  4. Rupert said

    Well being Tasmanian myself I’m no-one to crack wise about Taswegians, but commonly it is remarked that we are all inbred.


  5. richard777 said

    I thought that was what you meant, but I was to polite to say…

    Yes, of course your partially right too.

  6. kallypso said

    Nice blog and absolutely beautiful photo. I am author who constantly writes about life in Austria and photograph street life

  7. Taylor Holder said

    wow. whoever wrote this is an asshole. i’m from austria and you can’t talk. Americans are dumb, lazy, fat fucks. Scheiße Kopf

  8. robert said

    i can not believe it….. is it true? i mean about austria..

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